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Laser-assisted Medical Therapy

Author:editor Time:2024-04-16 Hits:

Laser Therapy 

The  laser is a tried and tested medical tool. It can treat body tissues  precisely and gently without "touching" them. Short pulsed lasers also  have the advantage of an extremely low depth of thermal penetration,  thus eliminating damage to the surrounding tissue. It is therefore not  surprising that laser scanning systems are becoming increasingly popular  for curing or alleviating diseases and minor ailments.

Ophthalmic Laser Therapy 

Ophthalmic  surgical treatments with lasers and scanning systems include a number  of new technologies that improve patient comfort and shorten surgical  and postoperative recovery times, for example:

-Correction of visual defects (microkeratome-Lasik, femtosecond-Lasik, minimally invasive lens extraction)

-Cataract extraction 

-Laser photocoagulation (for retinal diseases) 

Laser  scanning systems have rapidly become successful in these applications  and were even the first to conquer many of these procedures. This was  made possible by the following features

-Dynamic and flexible: the reflector is fast and can be freely compiled for the structure of the excision. 

-Precision and accuracy: highest positioning accuracy and best positional stability 

-Reliable and safe: position monitoring and very low failure rate 

-Non-contact: surgical surfaces are kept sterile. 



Laser  treatments in dermatologic and aesthetic medicine utilize a wide  variety of laser types, depending on the particulars of the case, the


-CO2 laser (10.6 µm) or erbium-YAG laser (2.94 um) for skin repair and wrinkle reduction (resurfacing)

-Alexandrite laser (788 nm) for tattoo removal and treatment of pigmented lesions 

-Semiconductor Laser (805 nm) for Hair Removal 

-Dye laser (595 nm) for the treatment of scars, veins and pigmented lesions 

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